When I was in college, visiting my home church, George Jensen was sharing the biography of David Livingstone. Livingstone famously said, “Lord, send me anywhere, only go with me.” As I sat through the sermon, the Spirit of Christ was pressing hard on me. I was overwhelmed with that presence and began to weep. I walked forward during the invitation to talk with a pastor. He asked me, “Why did you come forward, Tim? Do you have sin to confess?” I did, but that wasn’t the reason. I said, “No. I just feel the overwhelming presence of Christ, and I want to serve him.” You see, I was called to ministry when I was twelve, but during college I had left that call and joined the business school. In those precious moments, Christ was pressing upon me to return to His calling on my life. At the new semester, I switched majors back to theology and continued my training for vocational ministry.
When Isaiah saw the Lord high and lifted up, seated on an elevated throne, his presence filled the temple. Upon seeing the Lord, not only did Isaiah receive the cleansing grace of the Lord, but he was moved to spontaneously serve the Lord. The Lord asks, “Whom will I send?” and Isaiah responds, “Here I am, send me” (Isaiah 6:1-8). What moves us to service? What moves us to invest in the mission of Christ’s church? It is Christ!
Join us Sunday as we consider the fullness of Christ and worship our sovereign master.