The Women’s Ministry at ECPC exists to help women think biblically and live in Christian community with one another. Our vision is for every woman in the church to know Christ personally and be committed to extending His kingdom in her life, home, church, community and throughout the world.
We offer many opportunities to not only fellowship and have fun, but also to serve and use our gifts. We want every woman to become involved at whatever level God calls her.
If you are looking for a place to learn more about Christ and be in be in community with other women, the women’s ministry of East Cobb Presbyterian Church has much to offer!
Our women’s Bible studies are a great way to connect with other women and fellowship with one another. All of our Bible studies meet at East Cobb Presbyterian Church. Our Thursday morning bible study has childcare available.
The Tuesday night bible Study meets 7-8:30pm in the Conference Room and will be going over the Gospel of Luke, using Navigators curriculum. Dates are Jan 7 through Mar 25.
The 1st Thursday morning bible study meets at church from 10am - 11:30am in the conference room and will be going over Habakkuk with the book Habakkuk: Living a Life of Faith by Lydia Brownback. Dates are Jan 16 to April 3, skipping Feb 20 for winter break week. Childcare is provided, so if possible, please RSVP to the bible study leader via text the night before.
The 2nd Thursday morning bible study meets at church from 10am - 11:30am in the Infant Care Room just outside the sanctuary to the right. They will be going over the book Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund. Dates are Jan 16 to April 3, skipping Feb 20 for winter break week. Childcare is provided, so if possible, please RSVP to the bible study leader via text the night before.
Click here to sign up for a Bible study.
Registration is now open for our Women’s Conference, Sacred Refuge, to be held March 7-8. For more info and to register, click here!
Pictures from Reflections on Christ and Art
Bonnie Porter truly broadened our knowledge and equipped us to see art differently. It was a great night of Reflecting on Christ and Art.

Pictures From Other Events This Year
Parakaleo Ministry
The Parakaleo Care Team exists to provide biblical wisdom and one-another-care to hurting women at ECPC. For more information, click here.
+ Life Together Activities
Looking for a group of ladies that share your same hobbies? Or would you like to learn something new? The Women’s Ministry Team helps organize and communicate small gatherings of women to do “Life Together.”
If you would like to find ladies to join you in an activity or have a skill you would love to teach, send us a description of the activity, and we will advertise it here. We can also help reserve space at the church facility or arrange childcare.
+ ECPC Ladies’ Lunch
Join us every 2nd and 4th Thursday @12:30pm. Moxie Burger, 2421 Shallowford Rd Ste 158, Marietta, 30066. This is a great opportunity to invite a friend or neighbor to meet some church friends and fellowship. Please text Rhoda Owens, 404-216-2265, to let her know if you are attending and if anyone else is joining you, so she'll know how many seats to reserve.
Find out more about these and other events by filling out the form below: