Providing support for single young women facing unplanned pregnancies

Providing support for single young women facing unplanned pregnancies

Providing practical ongoing support for new single moms

Providing practical ongoing support for new single moms


Embrace Grace provides emotional, practical, and spiritual support for single young women and their families, whether they’re experiencing an unplanned pregnancy or are a single parent.

In our Embrace Grace groups, girls and women facing unplanned pregnancies can find support and love. We provide a place of refuge for women facing these difficult circumstances.

Support groups meet weekly and are open to single pregnant woman or single moms. At the end of the 12-week semester, participants in the program will be given a baby shower.

The support doesn’t stop when the baby is born. Our Embrace Life support groups equip single, new moms to not just survive this season of single parenthood, but to thrive! Through weekly support groups, brave moms will learn spiritual and practical ways to navigate through life. Free childcare is provided for support group members.

If you or someone you know would like more information on Embrace Grace, or if you would like to get involved in coming alongside these women, please fill out the form below.

Click on the button below for a very helpful list of organizations that provide various services for those in need. Requirements are listed (such as, living in a certain county, be drug free, etc) under each organization. Contact information is provided.

We are here to help women walking through the unsteady season of an unplanned pregnancy or women navigating single motherhood by connecting them to judgment-free support groups. We invite you to join the 6,000+ women who have been empowered through an Embrace Grace or Embrace Life Support Group.

Find out more or connect with a group