Show them Jesus!

Coming alongside families to show Jesus to our children so that they and their families might be drawn to trust, worship, and obey Him.

If you have any questions for the Children’s Ministry Team, we would love to hear from you at

See below for our weekly update on what we are learning in our Children’s Ministry at church.

Nursery (Infants - 3s)

The youngest among us are warmly welcomed at East Cobb Presbyterian Church! We offer nurseries for infants through age 3 during the Sunday morning worship service. Children may be dropped off beginning at 10:15 a.m. We know that when you understand your kids are being lovingly cared for, you can focus your hearts and minds more fully on corporate worship. We take seriously the responsibility of nurturing and instructing these little children in our nurseries and classrooms, seeking to show them Jesus as we play and learn. If your infant will be joining you in the worship service, we have an Infant Care Room available at the rear of the sanctuary if you would like some privacy to feed or care for your child.

Gospel Kids

During the school year, our Sunday morning program for students in pre-k (4yrs old by Sept 1) through 5th grade provides an opportunity for your kids to worship and learn alongside their peers in fun and engaging ways. We encourage our families to go to worship together at 10:30am, and then children are invited to join us for Gospel Kids during the offering (around 10:45am).

This program runs from August - May.


Fourth and Fifth graders learn why the gospel is relevant to their lives, are equipped to identify the lies of our culture and counter them with truth, and get answers to tough questions about the Christian faith in the safe and loving context of our Foundations discipleship class. These lessons will take them beyond a head knowledge of the gospel and challenge them to think deeply about what the truth of the Scripture and the person and work of Jesus means for their lives. 

This program runs from August - April.

Gospel Kids - This week we will look at Jesus’ interaction with Zacchaeus. Jesus makes the connection to the gospel in this story when he announces, “Today salvation has come to this house.” (Luke 19:9). Though it seems that Zacchaeus was trying to draw near to Jesus, it was in fact Jesus who came to save Zacchaeus. The mission of Christ to “seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10) remains his mission today. Zacchaeus met Jesus along the road, we meet Jesus by reading his Word. But either way, we don’t come to Jesus as much as he seeks us. For nobody comes to Jesus unless the Father draws him (John 6:44).

Foundations - This week our Foundations class will answer the essential question of what other worldviews believe about humans. They will specifically be looking at Islam and Postmodernism and what their worldview teaches about being human as compared to what the Bible says about being human.



Summer Discipleship

During the summer months, our students who are finishing PreK rising 3rd grade are invited to join us for our summer discipleship program during the worship service. We encourage our families to go to worship together at 10:30am, and then children are invited to join us for Gospel Kids during the offering (around 10:45am). Students who are finishing up 4th and 5th grades join us for the full worship service.

This program runs from May 7 — July 23.


This workbook is designed for ages 5-12, and we recommend it as a helpful resource for our rising fourth and fifth graders who are worshipping alongside us on Sundays this summer. We have a limited number of workbooks available. You can pick up your copy from the Children's Ministries office at East Cobb Presbyterian Church after purchase. 

From the publisher: Each lesson in this 95+ page workbook is designed to teach your child rich, biblical theology in an engaging way. Alongside each section of teaching is an activity to engage them in the process as they learn more of who God is through studying his Word. And each day has a Memory Challenge in which they are encouraged to recall a simple concept in response to that day's lesson. Read more here.

Click to purchase here.