Daniel: Humble Servant, Faithful God - Sovereign Grace

This week we’re staying in chapter four where God humbles king Nebuchadnezzar and brings him into a knowledge of himself. Again, we don’t know if Nebuchadnezzar becomes a “believer”, but we do know he experiences some level of renewed understanding of God. Why does Daniel communicate this story to Israel? Remember that in chapter three, Nebuchadnezzar gives Israel some religious protection under the law of Babylon. In this chapter, God re-engages the king and humbles him. At first glance the reader might think Nebuchadnezzar is getting what he deserves, but the twist ending is that he humbles himself before God.

While an amazing story, we must remember who this person is and what he did to Israel. Nebuchadnezzar ravaged Judah and destroyed the temple of God. He killed thousands, took their treasure, and carried many of them away to Babylon, forcing them to scrape together a living in a foreign land. He persecuted them for their faith and demanded their assimilation. Now, God is engaging this brutal, arrogant king with mercy.

There’s an important message for God’s people in this narrative. It’s a message of God’s sovereign grace. Join us Sunday as we consider the lesson of God’s mercy to sinners

Tim Locke