Faith Working Through Love: Evangelized by the Law
This week we’ll consider the law’s function as the warden of a prison. It’s an interesting illustration that begins in the previous verse, where Paul says that the whole world, “is a prisoner of sin.” Paul seems to mean that the law of God accurately accuses us all of sin and holds us in that state until we believe in Christ. The law refuses to exempt or parole law-breakers for good behavior.
While the law holds us as guilty criminals, its purpose is not for us to feel condemned but to evangelize us by leading us to Christ. Paul says the law was put in charge for the purpose of leading us to Jesus. Wow, that’s a different perspective on the law.
The law leads us to Christ, because in him we can be released from the prison of sin! Through faith we are justified, no longer sinners, released from jail, not because of our good behavior, but because we’ve been declared righteous in Jesus.
So, come Sunday and hear the gospel of grace!
~Pastor Tim