Jonah: Confronted by Grace - Anger, Part 2

Sunday we began using God’s interaction with Jonah to consider what our anger is “saying.” Anger is more than an emotion and can be evaluated based on the feeling, thoughts, actions, and results. Anger is a statement of judgment as we evaluate a person or experience based on our internal judicial system. Anger is something that we do, and while it may feel natural, it isn’t neutral.

This Sunday we’re going to look back at Jonah to consider how God helps Jonah move out of his anger and into the grace that God has for him. God does this by asking Jonah to evaluate what he wants and believes. What does Jonah want? What does Jonah believe about himself, God, and others? His statements are like a journal of his thoughts that expose the distortions in his heart.

So join us Sunday as we look to God for transforming grace.

Tim Locke