Our Journey of Faith and Hope

Before Jesus ascended to heaven he directed his disciples to be on mission as his witnesses to the world. (Acts 1:8). As the gospel message invaded the kingdom of the evil one, many obeyed the Gospel call to look to Jesus for forgiveness of sin and hope in eternal life. Persecution of believers in Jesus Christ began to increase to such extent that the church in Jerusalem was scattered (Acts 8:1) . Believers were a minority in a secularized society and faced trials and difficult times. They were discouraged and needed renewal of hope.

Today as we live in a pluralized society, we face similar trials and difficulties that early church believers experienced. We are the minority and our faith is often ridiculed. We are counter culture regarding ethics, values, and worldview. And we need some encouragement to be steadfast in our witness. On Sunday we will see in 1 Peter how the Apostle Peter encouraged the people of God to stand firm in their faith and hope. May the Word of God direct our hearts into the love of God and the living hope we have.

Pastor Paul Owens