The Gospel of John: Come and See Jesus' Gracious Calling
Sunday we’re going to look together at the final chapter in the gospel of John. While the chapter splits into two interactions, one with his disciples and the other with Peter, they are linked in their message. In the first scene, seven of the disciples, sometimes referred to as the Galilean seven, are fishing together but caught nothing. As morning dawns, they hear a voice from the shore encouraging them to try the other side of the boat. Fisherman love advice from shore dwellers. They catch a massive haul, and like any fishermen tell the story of “153 whoppers.” John says this scene is a revelation, and we’ll consider what it reveals.
The next scene is with Peter. Breakfast is over and Jesus calls to Peter. They walk just a few steps from the fire and Jesus asks Peter repeatedly, “do you love me?” Peter has failed. He boasted that he would die for the Lord, but then denied he even knew him, not once, but three times. What’s amazing about this story is that Jesus not only forces Peter to face his failure, asking him the same question three times, but re-entrusts him to care for his people, charging him to spend his life nurturing them. We’ll explore the lesson of grace.
John presents two scenes with a gracious message of grace. Join us as we hear from our risen Lord and worship him.