The Book of John: Come and See New Wine
Sunday we move into chapter two and Jesus’ first miracle, turning water into wine. It’s more than a miracle according to John: it’s a sign. John’s word choice is important, because it doesn’t merely indicate a miracle, but something that speaks of a reality. Imagine driving down the road, and you see a flashing sign that says “bridge out ahead.” The sign points to a reality ahead. John highlights this first miracle of Jesus, because it is a sign of a reality ahead.
John brings this out through the narrative. There are pots for purification, that once filled with water are made wine for a wedding feast. Stunning new covenant imagery. In addition, the conversation between Jesus and Mary points to the moment the new covenant becomes effective. Jesus says, “My hour has not yet come.” The Lord’s hour refers to his suffering and sacrifice for his people that provides the cleansing we require. All of this is symbolized by Jesus turning water into wine.
Yes, there’s more to this miracle than just a supernatural event, it’s a sign of the new covenant in Christ Jesus. So, join us Sunday as we consider this amazing text.