The Gospel of John: Come and See the Living Bread

In our text, Jesus is gently leading the crowds that are following him. He exposes their motive for following him and leading them from their religious system and innate self-righteousness to faith in himself. But he blows their mind by talking about bread from heaven that gives those who ingest it eternal life.

He makes a blunt statement, in essence saying, “your ancestors tried your plan and died.” He’s not being mean but trying to get his audience to realize that the system of religion they are trusting in doesn’t give them life. Indeed, people who cling to symbols and shadows miss the provision of God in Jesus. The religious shadows of Moses’ writing were meant to point them to Jesus, the One sent from God. Jesus explains why he is better than their religious system:
he comes down from heaven;
he receives and secures those who come to him; and,
he gives eternal life to those who believe, not those who labor for it.

Jesus offers himself, as he says, “for the life of the world.” What a beautiful passage and what a generous gift offered to us by the Father. And it comes with a message that if you believe, you are secure in Christ. Join us Sunday as we consider this passage.

Tim Locke