Ancient Words, Present Hope - Immanuel
Matthew tells us that Joseph found his fiance' with child and was considering separating from her because he knew the child was not his. That night, the Lord spoke to him in a dream and told him that her child was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, and that the child would save God’s people from their sins. When Joseph wakes, he did as he was told, keeping her as his fiance’. Matthew says that this fulfills the Old Testament prophecy that a virgin will conceive and bring forth a son, calling him “God with us” (Immanuel).
This prophecy comes from Isaiah 7, when the young King Ahaz begins to rule during one of Judah’s weakest moments. Assyria was invading the nation, and two local political leaders team up to fight the Assyrians. Ahaz refuses to join the coalition, so they try to conquer him and replace him with someone who will join the cause. The prophet Isaiah encourages Ahaz that they will not succeed, and that Assyria will not succeed. Judah and Jerusalem will not fall to these threats. Isaiah offers Ahaz a sign of God’s promise, but he refuses to ask for one, so Isaiah gives him the sign of a child, born to secure his people and bring the presence of God. Sunday we’ll consider this prophecy and what it means for us.