Called To Be An Ambassador For Christ: The Message of the Ambassador or Thus Says The King
Meet Chuck Emerson, who will be speaking on
the 3rd Sunday of our Mission Emphasis Month.
Chuck is a familiar face to many of us at ECPC, as his family became members in 1992. Chuck is a former ECPC Ruling Elder, having served on the session for many years. Ordained now as a Teaching Elder, he and Debbie are currently assisting with the PCA church plant in Tucker, which began in 2020.
Chuck worked 25 years as an automation engineer and received a degree from Westminster Seminary mid-career. In 2008, Chuck and Debbie answered God’s missions call and became involved with the RUF-I student ministry at Georgia Tech, and with training pastors overseas with Equipping Leaders International (ELI).
ELI's mission is to "equip and multiply biblically mature leaders to make disciples in every area of community life." For Chuck this means training church leaders in Bible, sound doctrine, and practical ministry. Chuck’s current ELI work focuses on both India and South America. He makes multiple trips each year, building on the relationships with ELI's national partners, with Debbie sometimes accompanying him. The amazing fruit of this work is hundreds of pastors who are better equipped to shepherd Christ's flock, to evangelize others, and to train other leaders.
Chuck recently held a graduation ceremony with one of ELI's national partner ministries in India. 70 certificates were awarded to village pastors and "Bible women", to mark their completion of ELI's Certificate program. It was a joyous occasion! These leaders are hard at work spreading the Gospel in that region of India, and planting new churches where the name of Christ has not been heard.
Chuck also serves as ELI's Director of Training, overseeing ELI's Faculty (now numbering 50+), the development of additional curriculum, and translation of it into the local languages.