New Life In Christ

This Sunday we are thrilled to have Dr. Sam Nshimyumukiza ministering to us. He’ll focus our attention on Ephesians 4:22-5:2 where the Apostle Paul teaches us what it means to live in the new life we’ve been given by Christ through his Spirit. The apostle begins the letter by emphasizing the gospel story and then explains how the gospel changes our story.

In the section we’ll consider together, the apostle explains what living in the new life of Christ looks like: liars tell the truth; angry people seek reconciliation; greedy people become generous; and verbally abusive people build others up. As we live in the new humanity we’ve been given in Christ, we take on his holy character. Like putting on new clothes, we put on our new character, the character of Jesus. Join us Sunday as we begin this new year with a focus on Christ!

Tim Locke