Romans: Rooted in Jesus, God's Design
I heard a joke of a new member of a tree crew who was given a chainsaw and told to cut up a fallen tree. After a few hours, the foreman came over to inspect his work, only to find he had made just a few cuts in the fallen tree. Livid, he asked the crew member what he had been doing most of the day. The worker offered, “I’ve been working hard cutting up this tree with this here saw.” The foreman inspected the saw and started it up. Immediately the worker asked, “What’s that noise?”
In our text Sunday, the Apostle says, “that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect,” Romans 12:2. God wants us to experience something that is good, acceptable, and perfect. In context, that means the church was missing God’s goodness by misusing or misunderstanding His “will.” Join us as we consider this important text and worship our Savior.