Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Justification by Faith, First

Have you ever been talking with someone, and they go historical? Not hysterical, historical. This happens with my brothers sometimes, where they will mention evidence from my past to prove their point. The Apostle Paul does this in the next part of his argument, that sinners are justified by faith not obedience or good works. He goes all the way back to their prime ancestor and father of the Jewish people, Abraham. He asks how Abraham was justified, by faith or works? Not only would the Mosaic law-covenant not come for another 430 years, but even the rite of circumcision came after Abraham was justified by faith.

Paul lists another great ancestor, King David, who after committing adultery and murder rejoices in his full acquittal before the court of God. How fortunate are those whose sins are forgiven? But it raises the questions, “How can such tragic sin be forgiven? How can God justify the ungodly?” By pouring out his wrath and judgment on Jesus God can justify the ungodly. Faith in Jesus enables our full acquittal. Join us Sunday as we study this text and worship our Redeemer.

Tim Locke