Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Qualified Sacrifices
Paul says the sacrifice God desires is a genuine commitment of self to divine service. He asks us to live our daily lives for Him and not ourselves. Whether in our marriages and families, our careers or citizenry, God wants disciples who present themselves in service to Him. We labor in our jobs primarily in worship and service to God, not our bosses; we submit and engage our civic responsibilities for the Lord; we train our children, so that they will serve God. Success is defined by God’s pleasure, not our performance.
The Jewish believers were committed to sacrifices but not of themselves. They operated out of fear leading to performance. Their service was not born out of genuine worship but an act of pay to play, Quid pro quo. As they pressured the Gentile believers to conform, they created fear and expectations of performance. With that pressure to perform came pressure to be holy and acceptable to God. After all, sacrifices are required to meet certain standards, to be without blemish. Instead of serving out of affection and freedom, fear and performance formed the impetus.
Paul presents a new paradigm of grace. Join us Sunday as we consider this paradigm.