Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Reinterpreting God's Gifts

Did you know that over forty attempts were made to assassinate Hitler? You might remember a movie called Valkyrie, starring Tom Cruise, that highlighted one such attempt. Some of the attempts on his life were known to Hitler; and when he survived, he concluded that God was protecting him and endorsed his policies. In such cases Hitler severely misinterpreted God’s mercy. God’s preservation of this murderous dictator came with no endorsement of his values. It did present another opportunity for Hitler to repent, but it was not endorsement.


In our lives we often misinterpret God’s kindness, basing his gifts on something in us instead of something in God. When our kids follow the Lord, we might conclude it’s because we’re good parents. When we are financially successful, it’s because of our skill or financial savvy. When others get sick and we don’t, it’s “clean living.” But mercy isn’t rooted in us or our performance, but in the character of God.


In our text this Sunday, Paul lists Israel’s privileges: the promises, covenants, patriarchs, etc.  If a people, so privileged, failed to receive Jesus as Messiah, God must have failed, not Israel. But did he? Join us Sunday as we consider the mercy of God and worship our generous Savior.

Tim Locke