Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Righteousness by Faith Alone

This week, we continue to unpack an essential passage that explains the gospel of salvation by grace. Paul says that God has revealed his righteousness by making the payment of redemption through Jesus (remittance). He is answering the question, “How can God pardon ungodly people and still be righteous, or just?” God can declare us righteous because he punished Jesus in our place. This justification is received by faith as a gift of God’s grace. This is how we come to the table, receiving grace by faith, not works, obedience, or performance. This means that whether I’m a highly religious, moral person or a rebel pursuing all the pleasures of life, salvation is granted by faith in Jesus’ redemption.

This has deep ramifications for the interpersonal relationships within the church and the conflict between the Jewish and Gentile believers. Who can boast over another in the church? Who can claim a greater status with God? To do so actually makes God schizophrenic. Join us Sunday as we unpack this powerful text.

Tim Locke