Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Righteousness is Probable

Has your company ever made a technology change? You used a program for keeping track of your expenses, and they switched to a different program. Now, you’re forced to learn the new program and go through the pain of change. Imagine an employee who refuses to make the shift to the new software. They submit all their expenses using the old program and stand before their boss defending their performance.

In essence, this is Paul’s argument. We were under the covenant of works in Adam where full obedience to the law was required of us for eternal life. But as believers, we’re under the covenant of grace. In the covenant of grace, the Holy Spirit has applied the work of Christ, justifying us, and is now at work in our lives, sanctifying us.

We can’t use the old program as members of the new one. Join us as we consider this revolutionary thought and worship the One who set us free!

Tim Locke