Romans: Rooted in Jesus, The Sin Killer

In our text from the past Sunday, we read, “but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live,” Romans 8:13. It’s clear from Paul that mortifying (killing) sin within us is not something that we can do, but something we need the Spirit to do for us. The good news is that the Spirit, present with us, is not only able to do this, but desires to do this. But this picture of sanctification goes against our natural inclination of fixing ourselves or what Paul calls the flesh.

Let me illustrate. If we want to get into shape, we map out how we’re going to get where we want to be. We map out our diet; we plan our exercise; we rid the pantry of carbs; we see a nutritionist, etc. In a few months, if we’re consistent, we see great improvement. We put in the work and we get an outcome. When we see sin in our lives, we often follow the same approach. But the Apostle has already told us, “Those who are in the flesh cannot please God,” Romans 8:8.

Bottom line, the flesh can’t fix the flesh. We will not get the outcome of pleasing God by applying discipline, systems, programs, etc. What we are engaged in is spiritual and dependent on the Spirit. But have you ever stopped to consider what Paul means by putting to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit? Join us Sunday as we go back and consider this teaching.

Tim Locke