Take Heart
“How could a good and all-powerful God let something like that happen to me?
Does God even care?” It seems suffering is inevitable - Job 5:7 states that “man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.” Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble…” John 16:33. Theologians often state “we live in the now and not yet” meaning the in between times of Christ first coming and his second coming. Another writer uses the term the age of ambivalence or the age of tension. We have a portion of His kingdom but not the completion/fulfillment of God’s promises of a new heaven, new earth, and new body. In this meantime, people still suffer in evil and cruel ways. We all experience losses and unfair treatment. Things just don’t work like they should. Why can’t we get back to Eden? What does Jesus Christ have to offer us during this age of suffering and waiting and hoping?
While suffering is something we must all endure, those of us who know Christ can hold to the promises of his presence, his purpose, and his plan for us.
This Sunday join us in worship of the Man of Sorrows, the Suffering Servant: Jeus Christ our LORD and King!