Gospel Kids lessons - August 7, 2022

Thanks for serving in Gospel Kids this week!

  • PreK class meets in room 110.

  • Kindergarten meets in room 113

  • 1st grade meets in room 104

  • 2nd grade meets in room 114

  • 3rd grade meets in room 105

This week’s lessons look a little different from the rest of the year. All classes will use the same lesson to introduce our new Gospel Kids semester. Use the file labeled INTRODUCTION TO NEW GK SEMESTER to review what has gone on in the Old Testament leading up to next week’s lesson.

About these Files

  • The LESSON OUTLINE provides an overview for your class time and suggested times for each activity.

  • The TAKE HOME PAGE is for your reference. This page will be sent home with parents so that they can review the lesson at home.

  • The HAND MOTIONS below will walk you through the Psalm the kids are memorizing this semester.


All of these materials are in your leader's notebook. There will be a classroom copy in your supply box, which will be in your room when you arrive.

Please make every effort to be in your class (or have at least one adult in your class) BEFORE children are dismissed to Gospel Kids during the offering. (If you wait until kids are dismissed, you’ll be stuck behind the line of kids checking in.) It is very important to have an adult in each room directing kids to the right places as they arrive. 

Managing Your Serving

If you serve in one of our Sunday morning ministries (ushers, greeters, nurseries, etc) or in other areas, you are likely receiving regular text notifications from notifications@ccbchurch.com or emails that say "New Serving Opportunities!"

This is your one-stop-shop for managing all your serving in one place (and avoiding serving conflicts). Click the image below for an overview of what to do what you receive these notifications. (Or follow the Login to myECPC instructions if you want to see what opportunities are already waiting for you!)

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