Who We Are…

ECPC Student Ministry exists to make the loving news of Jesus Christ known to our middle and high school students so that they would more fully connect, grow, and share the gospel with their friends. We aim to partner alongside families with the hopes of equipping parents and volunteers to better serve students to the glory of Christ and his kingdom.



Ministry During the School Year:

Junior High Ministry
6th — 8th grades meet Sunday evenings, during the school year, from 6-8 p.m. at East Cobb Presbyterian Church. Students participate in interactive games, worship, and teaching from God's Word, followed by small group discussion.

Senior High Ministry
9th — 12th grades meet Wednesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. at East Cobb Presbyterian Church. Students participate in interactive games, worship, and teaching from God's Word.

Discipleship Groups
D-groups for Highschoolers meet Sunday afternoons in various locations during the school year. These small groups are made up of same grade and gender students and are led by one or two adult volunteers. These groups focus on relational and spiritual depth. D-Groups run from September through early May. 

2023-2024 Health and Permission Waiver

The general health and permission waiver needs to be filled out if you have not done so retreats and many events. We want to make sure everything is up to date and we have this on file in case of an emergency while at a youth group event. Thank you!

Click Here to access Waiver