Abounding Grace: The Grace of the Law - God's Law "Life"

The Sixth Commandment is strikingly simple, “you (shall) not murder.” While a simple statement it covers a lot of ground. Notice it doesn’t say, “you shall not kill,” because that would include any ending of life, even animal life, which God has given us for food. The commandment excludes capital punishment for crimes against God’s kingdom, or for crimes against God’s people. God prescribes this punishment for these crimes. It does speak against ending our own and other’s lives we deem unvaluable. The emphasis is premeditated murder, but it also speaks against irresponsible behavior that puts others’ lives in jeopardy (reckless driving, danger at work, etc.).

Jesus takes us deeper by denouncing the anger and envy that fills our hearts, leading us to “murder” in our hearts. Even calling or thinking someone is an “idiot” violates God’s Law (Matthew 5:21-26). So he calls us to actively pursue reconciliation with each other. Jesus is more than anti-murder; he is decidedly pro-life. He came that we might “have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Join us Sunday as we consider the call to life.

Tim Locke