Abounding Grace: The Grace of the Law - Sexual Expression

Sunday, we consider the Seventh Commandment, “You shall not commit adultery,” Exodus 20:14. Like the former two commandments (honoring parents, forbidding murder), the Seventh is paradigmatic. In other words, it briefly states a paradigm for thinking about marriage and all sexual expression. The paradigm is simple: sexual expression is to be enjoyed in a complimentary (male/female) monogamous marriage. Scripture affirms this paradigm from its beginning in Genesis to the end in Revelation. This is the “created order” instituted by God when he brought Eve into union with Adam, Genesis 2:22-24. Deviations from this paradigm are subsequently condemned by God as against his “order.” This would apply to all the deviations that we see promoted in our culture in the name of sexual freedom.

This commandment builds on the previous two, affirming the honor given to father and mother, the building block of society, and affirming the inherent dignity of life. Sexual fidelity gives dignity to marriage, preserving procreation, protecting the family for the healthy development of children, protecting against disease, and giving dignity to the image-bearer. Sexual infidelity, or sexual freedom, degrades human beings and threatens the order that God created for us to thrive while enjoying his gifts.

Join us Sunday, as we consider this critical commandment and look intently at the grace offered us in Jesus Christ.

Tim Locke