Romans: Rooted in Jesus, Persuaded

This summer my family went to the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. One night, just before sunset, we rode the gondola to the top of the mountain we were staying near. Now I’m not one for heights, but it was extraordinary when we arrived at the top. There on the pinnacle of the mountain, above the tree line, we looked over the valley and watched the sun set.  That view will be with me forever.

This week we’ll finish this beautiful passage of gospel implications by standing on the top of the mountain and looking over the scenery. Paul comes to a dramatic conclusion—that nothing created can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. That’s the vista he wants us to stand and take in.  He wants us to linger here and contemplate what it means to be secure in God’s love, ministered to us by Jesus. He wants us to be persuaded with him. Join us Sunday as we consider this final contemplation and respond to God’s grace with worship.


Tim Locke