Romans: Rooted in Jesus, We Prevail

Do you remember the story of Job? God allows Satan to torment him, taking away everything that he has and then taking away his health. In the midst of his suffering, his own spouse turns to him and says, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God, and die.” Hardships in life have this effect. They can cause us to believe that God has abandoned us or at least that he doesn’t care. They can cause us to question our faith, even question ourselves. This is the desired effect by Satan and those he uses to torment and threaten us. The closer our relationship to our persecutors the deeper the pain and insecurity.


In his next contemplation, almost to the vista of his climb, Paul asks, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” Then he lists threats: tribulation, persecution, famine, etc. These threats aren’t people, but they are threats created by people who oppose us and by a spiritual enemy who seeks to disorient and discourage us. Believers throughout history have been harangued, subjugated, persecuted, and ostracized. It’s the teenager in high school who is picked on and excluded; it’s the coworkers who gossip and slander us to the manager; it’s the government that brands us a threat to democracy; or the culture that mocks us, defacing our sacred history.


Paul’s conviction is that none of these threats can separate us from Christ’s love and that Christ leads us in his victory procession. Join us Sunday as we consider this text and worship our Savior.

Tim Locke