As we approach this Christmas season, I want us to focus our attention on the ministry and message of Jesus to the poor. In a recent article, Richard Doster says, "It seems bizarre that somehow, through some tortuous progression in thinking, our celebration of Christ’s birth has spawned Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It’s strange that our observance of Jesus’ birth — which occurred in a manger among farm animals — now accounts for 30 percent of retail sales, which makes it critical to the national economy." Americans spend over $600 billion on Black Friday alone. (byFaithonline, Nov.23,2018, The path from a lowly manger to Black Friday)
How did we get here when the ministry and message of Jesus is almost exclusively directed to the poor? Consider that as Jesus begins his earthly ministry, he enters the synagogue, opens the scroll of Isaiah, and reads, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim the good news to the poor...liberty to the captives...sight to the set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." Maybe a study in the person and work of Christ will challenge our perspective all call us to deeper worship and greater faithfulness as stewards of God's Kingdom!
So come Sunday to consider Jesus, King of the poor!